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Bought, Caught, & Released

Bought, Caught, & Released

Kat Arnold - Angler for Christ
Type: Feature

Kat Arnold is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary God. She shares her story for God's glory. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother, but first, a Child of the King.

Kat travels the country sharing her testimony and love for Jesus Christ, her Lord and Savior, at churches, schools, camps, conventions, and banquets. Her unique testimony speaks to the hearts of men, women, and children as she transparently relates her personal experiences and God's work in her life.

In another unexpected ministry path as Kat fished professionally sponsored by many top-rated bass fishing industry companies from 2009 through 2016, she continued fishing for souls for Christ through the ministry Bought, Caught, and Released. Kat says that she was bought by the blood of Jesus, caught by the golden hook of salvation, and released to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Kat says her ministries are examples of how God qualifies the unqualified - if we are willing and obedient to God's calling. When Kat stepped out of the boat in 2016, she brought her talents to broadcasting on Miracle Radio hosting "Bought, Caught, and Released," "Ark La Tex Talent and Testimony," and Kat Arnold's "Just Me" programs. Kat continues to support and represent Miracle Radio as an ambassador at many local concerts and events. Find out more about Kat and her ministries at https://www.KatArnoldMinistries.com/