Evangelist W. A. Reed and the Voice of Triumph Ministry welcomes you to join us every Saturday at 9:30 AM on Miracle Radio 90.7 FM for a powerful, anointed program that will uplift your spirit and nourish your soul.
Voice of Triumph
Evangelist W. A. Reed
Saturdays at 9:30 AM
Faith & Finance
Rob West
Monday to Friday at 3:00PM

Join Rob West and special guests as they address today's financial questions with biblical answers.
Call In With Your Questions: 800-525-7000.
Find more Financial Tools, articles and advice on godly giving at: faithfi.com
Decision for Christ
Tim Robinson
Sundays at 9:00AM

Decision for Christ is broadcasting Hope across the US and 120 Nations around the World. Helping you find peace with God. Helping you connect with God through prayer. Helping you understand the Bible and find direction in your life. Helping you connect with others and get the encouragement you need through the local church in your area.
Our Mission: Giving hope by helping you find Peace with God through Jesus Christ
Tim became a Christian and received the call to ministry at Parkview Baptist at the age of 14. He grew up in Cherokee Park where he attended the neighborhood elementary school, Trinity Heights Christian Academy, Green Oaks High School where he played basketball, and graduated from Northwood. Tim received his BA from LSUS where he served as Student Body President and president of the LSUS BSU. His wife, Kathy, became a Christian at the age of 7 at Brookwood Baptist, and graduated from Northwestern School of Nursing. Tim served on staff at Trinity Heights and Summer Grove and served as Associate Director of Evangelism for the Louisiana and Nevada Baptist Conventions. He served as pastor of FBC Many and Victory Baptist in Walker, LA and three churches in Texas. They have two children, Kimberly and Matthew, a son-in-law Michael, and 2-year-old grandson, Liam. Tim and Matthew climbed Jabel El Lawz in Saudi Arabia in February of 2019; a place believed to be the true location of Mt Sinai. They were two of less than 25 known in history to reach the summit. They discovered amazing evidence that points to the mountain as the true Mt Sinai. The father and son are avid mountaineers and have summited 4 of the Seven Summits of the World and numerous peaks in the US and other countries. Tim and Kathy reside in Texas where he pastors Plainview Baptist Church in Krum. For more information about his ministry, go to www.decisionforchrist.org and to learn about his exciting Bible adventure in Saudi Arabia, go to www.biblemountains.com.
Ark La Tex Talent & Testimony
Kat Arnold "Just Me"
Saturdays at 10:30AM, Sundays at 8:00AM and 12 Noon

Kat Arnold is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary God. She shares her story for God's glory. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother, but first, a Child of the King.
Kat travels the country sharing her testimony and love for Jesus Christ, her Lord and Savior, at churches, schools, camps, conventions, and banquets. Her unique testimony speaks to the hearts of men, women, and children as she transparently relates her personal experiences and God's work in her life.
In another unexpected ministry path as Kat fished professionally sponsored by many top-rated bass fishing industry companies from 2009 through 2016, she continued fishing for souls for Christ through the ministry Bought, Caught, and Released. Kat says that she was bought by the blood of Jesus, caught by the golden hook of salvation, and released to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Kat says her ministries are examples of how God qualifies the unqualified - if we are willing and obedient to God's calling. When Kat stepped out of the boat in 2016, she brought her talents to broadcasting on Miracle Radio hosting "Bought, Caught, and Released," "Ark La Tex Talent and Testimony," and Kat Arnold's "Just Me" programs. Kat continues to support and represent Miracle Radio as an ambassador at many local concerts and events. Find out more about Kat and her ministries at https://www.KatArnoldMinistries.com/
Defending The FAITH
Kenny Word Fox
Weekdays at 10:00AM

He is a husband to Lindsey and a father to Olivia, Sarah, and Benjamin.
Born in Longview Texas, Kenny grew up in church and was raised in East Texas.
Being a true prodigal, Kenny was radically saved and filled with the Spirit in his early 20's.
After being born-again and set free, Kenny has had a passion to share the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone.
After graduating ministry school, Kenny began working in prison ministry and associate pastoring in Greenwood, LA at Pathway.
Then, Kenny transitioned to become the pastor at Gospel Lighthouse in Bossier City, LA.
Glimpses of Glory
Dr. W. D. 'Step' Martin
Every Day at 7:00AM

On October 24, 1954 while attending William Carey College in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Bro. "Step" Martin received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior and later surrendered to preach. His early ministry included several years of pastoring small churches and two years in full-time evangelistic work with Billy Crosby, primarily in Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.
In March of 1969, Bro. "Step" moved his wife, Pat, and their six children from Alabama to become pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Shreveport. In the fall of that same year, Bro. "Step" founded Calvary Baptist Academy and began expanding the day care ministry. He later established an independent budget at Calvary to support worldwide missions known as the Faith Missions program.
In January of 1977, the church moved from its five-acre site in Cedar Grove to its current location, originally an 80-acre complex in South Shreveport. Bro. "Step" also led the church to build the Family Life Center and begin the recreation ministry which continues to impact souls for Christ. His 33 years of ministry at Calvary were marked by membership growth of more than 4,600 by letter and more than 4,500 baptisms. Bro. "Step" gives God all the glory and all the credit for his longtime ministry at Calvary.
Bro. "Step" was named Pastor Emeritus of Calvary Baptist Church upon his retirement in 2002. Over the past twelve years, his ministry has been focused on preaching revivals and encouraging pastors in churches across the south. His heartbeat is to point souls to the saving grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Step Martin Evangelistic Ministries, a 501(c)3 organization, was formed for this purpose and provides financial support to seminary students and missionary efforts throughout the world.
Grace in Focus
Dr. Bob Wilkin & Shawn Lazar
Monday to Friday 11:30AM

Grace in Focus is dedicated to promoting Jesus' promise of everlasting life and encouraging Christians to live holy lives in light of Christ's soon return. In Grace in Focus, Dr. Bob Wilkin and Shawn Lazar explore the meaning of salvation and discipleship for the believer. They teach through the Bible, debate theology, and answer your questions, all from the perspective of God's free grace.
Dr. Bob Wilkin and Shawn Lazar are the editors of Grace in Focus magazine and the authors of numerous books.
Serving Grace
Patrick Hawthorne
Saturdays at 10:00AM

Serving Grace Ministries' "Prophetic Update" was birthed following a long period during which Patrick felt that God led him on a journey to understand the kindness of His grace. This journey was a foundation before Patrick began to share insights about end times. Patrick believes that this foundational experience was crucial to maintain his balance, enabling him to view the challenging times ahead with the perspective of God's goodness.
In Patrick's view, the purpose of Bible prophecy isn't to create fear, but rather to equip us for the remarkable path that lies ahead. He emphasizes that God's Word is a guiding light, a lamp unto our feet, showing us the way forward step by step. Our part is easy; we trust and obey.
As a Bible teacher, Patrick enjoys delving into the Word of God to discover its valuable insights. His most cherished verses, found in Titus 2:11-12, hold a special place in his heart. These verses read: "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age."
Patrick resides in the Shreveport Blanchard area alongside his lovely wife, Kathy. They are active members of Life United Church in Shreveport, under the leadership of Pastor Sam Carr. Patrick's journey includes attending ministry school and dedicating over nine years to prison ministry. While he certainly appreciates the opportunity to teach within a church setting, Patrick's most enjoyable moments are from being welcomed into people's homes to lead Bible studies.
Talk of the Town: Weekend Wrap-up
Tom Pace
Saturdays at 11:00AM

Tom has 47 years media experience, including on-air talent for radio & television, along with expertise in print, billboards, and internet marketing. For 26 years, he has been a Senior Account Executive for Radio Advertising in the Shreveport-Bossier market.
He has served as a speaker for Radio Advertising, as well as a Media Marketing expert, to various civic and business organizations around the Ark-La-Tex, including Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, Sci-Port, Optimists, Shriner's Hospital for Children. U.S. Navy & others.
Tom Believes: "We Are All Put Here For One Common Purpose: To Help One Another"
Bought, Caught, & Released
Kat Arnold - Angler for Christ

Type: Feature
Kat Arnold is an ordinary woman with an extraordinary God. She shares her story for God's glory. She is a wife, mother, and grandmother, but first, a Child of the King.
Kat travels the country sharing her testimony and love for Jesus Christ, her Lord and Savior, at churches, schools, camps, conventions, and banquets. Her unique testimony speaks to the hearts of men, women, and children as she transparently relates her personal experiences and God's work in her life.
In another unexpected ministry path as Kat fished professionally sponsored by many top-rated bass fishing industry companies from 2009 through 2016, she continued fishing for souls for Christ through the ministry Bought, Caught, and Released. Kat says that she was bought by the blood of Jesus, caught by the golden hook of salvation, and released to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. Kat says her ministries are examples of how God qualifies the unqualified - if we are willing and obedient to God's calling. When Kat stepped out of the boat in 2016, she brought her talents to broadcasting on Miracle Radio hosting "Bought, Caught, and Released," "Ark La Tex Talent and Testimony," and Kat Arnold's "Just Me" programs. Kat continues to support and represent Miracle Radio as an ambassador at many local concerts and events. Find out more about Kat and her ministries at https://www.KatArnoldMinistries.com/
Max Lucado - Author & Teacher

Type: Feature
The one minute teaching ministry of Max Lucado exists for the sole purpose of encouraging others to take one step closer to Jesus Christ.
Sponsor: Aulds Funeral Home & Florist
Focus on Faith
Shelby Lewis

Type: Feature
A daily three minute feature highlighting local nonprofits and churches throughout the Community.